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Are there whales on Catalina Island?

Risso’s dolphins, pilot whales and orcas can also be spotted during a Catalina crossing. Catalina Island whale watching can be equally as rewarding. From November to March, California gray whales pass the island on their annual migration – the longest of any mammal.

What type of animal is a whale?

Whale, any of the larger species of aquatic mammals belonging to the order Cetacea. Whales are the heaviest known animals, living or fossil, reaching a maximum size in the blue whale of perhaps more than 30 meters and 200 metric tons. They are distributed throughout the world’s oceans and seas.

Why are whales called phálaina?

From this was derived the Roman word for whale, Cetus. Other names were phálaina ( Aristotle, Latin form of ballaena) for the female and, with an ironic characteristic style, musculus (Mouse) for the male. North Sea whales were called Physeter, which was meant for the sperm whale Physter macrocephalus.

What is a Catalina Island Quail?

A subspecies of quail native to the Southern California mainland, the Catalina Island quail is a ground-dwelling species about the size of a pigeon. With their distinctive grey coloring and black topknot, Catalina Island quail are an exciting sight off the beaten path in the Catalina Island interior.

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